Monday, June 21, 2010

Carlo Gavatorta - almost over!

Hey everybody! I can't believe it's almost over! Everything went by so fast. I feel like I got here a few weeks ago. I just got back from the bus trip with all the other exchange students from the 2 districts and I had a blast. It's so amazing how you can get attached to people so easily and so fast. California was awesome and so was the Grand Canyon and all the other places we went to.

I only have one more month and then I'll go back to Italy. It's a really weird feeling because I'm really sad I'm gonna leave Steamboat and I'll have to say goodbye to all my friends and families but I'm happy at the same time because I'll see my family and my friends back in Italy.

The district conference was fun. It's amazing how many rotarians and rotary clubs there are in jsut one district. I feel so lucky to be in this district because it's so active and it involves exchange students in so many events and activities. They care a lot about us.

This was just a quick post about my last experiences. Steamboat is such a great place and every exchange student that ends up here should feel really lucky!