I've been here for a little over a month and it's all going great! School is all well and i can take all my necessary courses to graduate! all the people here are nice and friendly and my friends are awesome! my rotary counselor and i are headed down to a town called Horsham next Sunday to meet alll the other Rotary exchange student. there's another student here in my town from Germany but he's not here through Rotary. Every Saturday they have football ((australian rules) and no its not like soccer)) and also netball and field hockey games to go and watch so there's always something on the weekends! anyways this picture is of me (right) my friend kirsty (middle) and Leif the german exchange student. i do my official rotary presentation the 16th of September and my powerpoint is coming together. Anyways im off to the footy games!
Catch ya later mate!