With the six month line in clear view...I have been reflecting a lot on the first bit of my exchange. Things have been moving pretty quickly now....as for the update on the new family. I LOVE THEM...it is a completely different family but I am so happy and comfortable here, I get along really well with my host sisters and we have some good laughs. They have some horses and it has been fun learning about that lifestyle as well, and how much work goes into it. I went to a real french farm at the beginning of the month which was interesting, it was literally like a movie (with the smells added). In an old farm building, the house was beautiful and old (even though it was falling apart) and the family who owned the farm was so so so nice, and offered coffee out of a tin kettle (so french). I ate that up, my host mom is going to take me again the next time she gets hay. Things, as I said, are starting to gather speed. I am looking into taking a test to see if I am fluent in French that could mean I could receive a diploma that will be valid for the rest of my life, so I am a little nervous but I think it will be a good thing to do while I have the time and resources. School is chugging a long. I am looking into taking more difficult classes now that I have a firmer grasp of the language which is going well. I just got back from the Alps and a Rotary weekend. At this Rotary weekend we did a talent show which was a laugh riot...me and my friend from Finland did an American dance called the John Wall, and man there was some talented individuals out there. A girl from Venezuela had some of the most powerful pipes I have ever heard...next to Adele. I was impressed. The alps were amazing, but really showed me just how out of shape I have become...one run and my thighs were burning. It was amazing though seeing some French people that I have know for a long time who I can actually speak French with now. It was so fun...also to just be out there and skiing for a little bit was nice. My host brother's girlfriend also skied for the first time! I think she really liked it...she was out there everyday and by the end of the week was killin' it! I got to do some off piste runs in the backcountry with some Patrollers which was amazing! The view and the powder were amazing...and it was the first pure blue sky with sunshine that I had seen in months (we don't get much sunshine up north). My 19th birthday is coming up this Sunday (Feb. 17th) and I am really looking forward to a big French birthday dinner, with some good food (maybe a little bit to much food..but hey I am in France) and laughs with my family. I am also going to have some cake with my first host family because my host dad's sisters birthday (she is awesome...I am in her dance company here) has the same birthday! So lots to look forward too this weekend...then tuesday I leave for my first bus trip to SPAIN! I am so excited...I am going to try for a little spanish....until next time!

We found an igloo
Fancy cheese store! Lets eat it a lllll
Beautiful bluebird powder day
Keish that me and Liz Baldwin made...SO GOOD
Taking one of many breaks...I have for sure gotten soft up north
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